Commercial laundry

Dry cleaning

Commercial or industrial laundries wash a wide range of fabrics used in businesses such as hotels, hospitals and universities. In contrast to domestic laundries, commercial laundries wash fabrics that are exposed to higher concentrations and types of soles, increasing operating costs technology, staff shortages

End-to-end automation

An intelligent complete solution from washer/dryer to finishing to packaging.

Customized solutions

Each opportunity has its own characteristics, we assess the need

Fast and quality service

Pricing couldn’t be simpler offer simple pound pricing with no add-ons for cleaners, special requests, pre-detection and more

Pricing couldn’t be simpler offer simple pound pricing with no add-ons for cleaners, special requests, pre-detection and more

Pricing couldn’t be simpler offer simple pound pricing with no add-ons for cleaners, special requests, pre-detection and more

Pricing couldn’t be simpler offer simple pound pricing with no add-ons for cleaners, special requests, pre-detection and more
